Contact Details:

Our offices are open 9 am-5 pm Monday to Friday.

Counselling appointments can be made outside these hours; please call for further details on:


Head Office & Training Centre:

JMC Counselling & Training


JMC Counselling & Training,

Unit 23, CDDA,

51 Dungannon Road,

Coalisland, Co. Tyrone, BT714HP

Or please feel free to send us a message below



Tel: 02887746582 


Mobile: 07734349260


or email us on:


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Thank you for visiting the JMC Counselling and Training website.

Joseph Coney FNCS, MSSc

MBACP (Snr Accred) 

Counsellor & Supervisor

Welcome to JMC Counselling & Training

There are NO externally    examinations with regards to each 60 hour module only

JMC Counselling & Training can deliver any of the above modules offsite at your organisations venue. Please call for further details


JMC Counselling offer 15 week 60 hours modules in various contexts


Modules include:


Addictions, Stress, Depression

Trauma, Brief Therapy, CBT

Children & Young People

There are many more, please visit our seminars page for a full list of available modules



Office Contact:


Our counselling training facility is located at


Unit 23

51 Dungannon Road


 Co. Tyrone BT71 4HP


Tel: 028 8774 6582


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