What is an Employment Assistant Programme (EAP)?

JMC Counselling & Training offers an employee assistance program (EAP) that benefits and assists employees and staff with personal problems and/or work-related problems that may impact their job performancehealth, and mental and emotional well-being. JMC generally offer free and confidential assessments, short-term counselling, referrals, and follow-up services for employees and their household members; the employer pays for this service. Our counsellors also consult with managers and supervisors to address employee and organisational challenges and needs. Many corporations, academic institutions and/or government agencies are active in helping organisations prevent and cope with workplace violence, trauma, and other emergency response situations. There is a variety of support programs offered for employees. Even though EAPs are mainly aimed at work-related problems, various programs can assist with issues outside of the workplace. JMC Counselling & Training have grown and are more economically and socially desirable.


The service is a cost-effective workplace programme designed to assist with productivity and attendance issues within the workplace and support employees in identifying and resolving personal concerns that may affect job performance.

These issues might include stress, financial, drug or alcohol, emotional, depression, anxiety, health, family or other personal issues. 

Stress and mental ill-health are two of the most common causes of long-term absence within the workforce in the UK (Simply Health 2016).  Management and employees are often reluctant to seek the help they need, and employers may not have adequate support or services or, in some cases, nothing at all. Early intervention can often lead to management and employees taking days off sick or underperforming at work. 


JMC Counselling can provide counselling and training to help manage mental well-being in the workplace by providing staff and employees direct access to counselling services and training in how to deal with stress, and in most cases, without having to see a doctor at all; this, in turn, contributes to the employing organisation's duty of care to staff and employees.


JMC Counselling will provide your organisation with professional, confidential and emotional support, thus supporting staff and employees with sound mental health and wellbeing that will assist with productivity within your organisation and helps staff and employees get back to normal quickly and safely.


                                                       Did you know


  • Within the UK, 12.7% of all sickness absence days are due to poor mental health (Mental Health Foundation 2016); and
  • It costs employers approximately £2.4 billion per year, with 70 million working days lost yearly due to mental health problems in the UK.
  • An article published by the Employee Benefits; Article (2017) states that: 51% of respondents believe employees are kept awake at night by work stress; and
  • Regarding employers, almost 3/4 of respondents believe they should be doing more to support staff struggling with their mental health.



CIPD. 2016. Absence management survey. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/fundamentals/relations/absence/absence-management-surveys. [Accessed 14 May 2018].


Mental Health Foundation. 2018. Added Value: Mental health as a workplace asset. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/sites/default/files/added-value-mental-health-as-a-workplace-asset-executive-summary.pdf. [Accessed 14 May 2018].

EAP Letter.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [421.3 KB]
Adobe Acrobat document [388.5 KB]
Company Inquirey Form.docx
Microsoft Word document [811.0 KB]

Joseph Coney FNCS, MSSc

MBACP (Snr Accred) 

Counsellor & Supervisor

Welcome to JMC Counselling & Training

There are NO externally    examinations with regards to each 60 hour module only

JMC Counselling & Training can deliver any of the above modules offsite at your organisations venue. Please call for further details


JMC Counselling offer 15 week 60 hours modules in various contexts


Modules include:


Addictions, Stress, Depression

Trauma, Brief Therapy, CBT

Children & Young People

There are many more, please visit our seminars page for a full list of available modules



Office Contact:


Our counselling training facility is located at


Unit 23

51 Dungannon Road


 Co. Tyrone BT71 4HP


Tel: 028 8774 6582
Email: jmccounselling@btinternet.com


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